Were you born in Périgueux? Did you grow up here? Do you come back regularly to spend quality time with your family? It's time to rediscover your favorite city.

Unusual visits

The Mataguerre Tower

Former tower of the Périgueux rampart, the Mataguerre Tower surrounded the Puy Sain-Front district and was one of the 28 defense towers of the city.

To (re)discover it and climb to its summit, we offer the guided tour Life in the Middle Ages in Puy Saint-Front.

The roofs of the cathedral

The Saint-Front Cathedral is a must-see in the city of Périgueux. Who has never wanted to climb onto the roofs to admire their domes up close?

From April to October, we offer guided tours of this UNESCO-listed monument. A great opportunity to discover this particular architecture and this breathtaking landscape.

Saint-Front Cathedral

Périgueux in Occitan

Highlighting the past and the modernity of the city's Occitan identity is what we offer you through a guided tour in Occitan: La Passejada.

On the program: journey through Puy-Saint-Front, lighting on street names, the memory and identity of neighborhoods.

The secrets of the greenway

The clumsiness

This building, often defined as a leprosarium, although it never housed lepers, was for a long time a hospital. Attested in 1214, it was known as the Charroux hospital during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, before being merged in 1665 into the hospital of the sisters of Sainte-Marthe. Recognizable by its astonishing original chimneys, the Maladrerie became private property after the revolution, then was classified as a historic monument in 1907, at the time of its restoration.

The Campniac ferry

About 8 minutes on foot south of the Tour de Vésone, the Tréfilerie pedestrian bridge provides access to the canal promenade and the greenway. On the south side of the canal, numerous gardens and beautiful houses can be seen for a pleasant stroll. The ferry, located further in front of the bridge, allowing you to cross the Isle, is freely usable. The mechanism works with arm strength. One person may be enough, but it is better to have several people. Be careful, swimming is prohibited.

The Japhet footbridge

Built in 2002 by Frédéric Zirk, is part of the greenway. Located opposite the Bertrand de Born swimming pool and the fire station, it allows you to reach the other bank.

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